Ever think that the friends of Jesus were these great guys who were way better than we could ever be? In the end, the answer is probably yes. But they were still human and more like us than we usually give credit for. Even after walking and working with Jesus for three years, they sit there and argue about which one of them is the best.

Read: Luke 22:24-34
- Read John 13 // Luke leaves out the story of feet washing. But this story explains how the greatest king served others.
- Serve // Perform duties or services for (another person or an organization)
- Benefactor // person who gives money or other help
- Age gave privilege so youngest would be lowliest
- Satan was asking for permission to do harm with Peter.
- Jesus prayed for Peter. This shows that God showed mercy on Peter and didn’t allow Satan to crush him.
- Jesus knew that Peter wouldn’t totally lose faith, but have a slip-up and then would strengthen the others.
- Peter shared that he felt he was brave enough but soon after he demonstrates that his feelings weren’t true.
Discuss with Kids :
*Some questions will be repeated so we can learn and build off of each topic.
- Jesus Storybook Bible // The Servant King. Page 286
- Activity // Wash each other’s feet
- Why was washing the disciples’ feet a big deal? Their feet would have been dirty. For this time period, they wore sandals or no shoes and walked through the dirt without a daily bath. Feet were dirty. The job of cleaning feet would have been a job for the lowest people, the servants. But Jesus, the King, did this as an example.
- What chore/duty could you do to show an example of your love through service?
- What does deny mean? State that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.