If there was a moment in scripture that I would love to be more than 2 sentences, it’s this moment right here. Jesus has the ultimate teaching moment with his followers. He explains how he fulfills the Old Testament prophecies. This is something I researched for over a year and there’s so much more to learn. Guarantee is the study that I wrote on what I learned.
Read: Luke 24:26-27
- Then Jesus gives an eye roll and asks if they remember anything from his teachings and prophecies from the Old Testament. Ok not sure about the eye roll, but I’m guessing he gets a little frustrated that he went through all the suffering and his friends aren’t the most supportive in the situation.
- Mic drop. Jesus sits down and has the most legit bible study ever.
Discuss with Kids :
*Some questions will be repeated so we can learn and build off of each topic.
- Why did Jesus have to suffer?