Welcome to the first full study for Mama Makes Disciples. I am so excited
I would suggest going ahead and reading over the full 3 chapters for yourself. Before we dive into the study. You probably have heard these stories and maybe even studied them, but this is important to read!
Other fun stuff to know….I won’t be placing any of the full scripture into these posts. I know that you can easily search them but I strongly suggest you open up your bible and dig into these words.
Today’s Reading : Luke 22:1-6
- Feast of the unleavened bread is Passover. This is shared because
the time is important. Passover leads to the expectation of the Messiah and there would be a lot of additional people in Jerusalem because of the celebration. - The priests feared people because they didn’t want to cause problems while the influx of people was happening
- In verse 3, Satan enters Judas. The only true enemy of Jesus is Satan. (See Genesis 3:14-15)
- Iscariot is a family name so Luke, the writer, is using it to just let us know who exactly is the betrayer. Luke likes details.
- The betrayal plan includes not being in a crowd.
Discuss with Kids :
- Jesus Storybook Bible // The Servant King. Page 286
- What is unleavened bread? This is bread without yeast. It doesn’t rise. Try making some with your family.
- What is Passover? See Exodus 12
- What does betray mean? Expose (one’s country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.
- How would we feel if one of our close friends betrayed us?