Last week we walked through the beginning scenes of the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. This week we’re going through the actual betrayal through Pilate delivering Jesus for crucifixion. We’ve probably all heard the story but we’re going to go a little deeper. We’re making sure we have the correct context and timeframe.

Read: Luke 22:47-53
- Crowd to come to arrest him. Did they think they needed the numbers?
- God’s perfect plan makes this not a capture or a surrender.
- John18:10 identifies the sword swinger as Peter.
- Even in his time of arrest, Jesus is cleaning up after others
Discuss with Kids :
*Some questions will be repeated so we can learn and build off of each topic.
- Jesus Storybook Bible // A Dark Night in the Garden. Page 294
- Which disciple was the betrayer? Judas
- Who is the Son of Man? “Jesus’ use of “Son of Man” language in the New Testament Gospels draw on Jewish traditions regarding the phrase found in both the Old Testament and apocalyptic literature. In particular, Jesus’ “Son of Man” sayings reflect the connection between the themes of suffering, enthronement, and authority that appear in the narrative of Daniel’s vision. There are four general ways in which Jesus uses “Son of Man” language in the New Testament Gospels: 1) to refer to Himself; 2) to describe His authority and earthly ministry; 3) to anticipate His suffering and death, and 4) to anticipate His future exaltation and glory.”
- Hardin, L. T., & Brown, D. (2016). Son of Man. In J. D. Barry, D. Bomar, D. R. Brown, R. Klippenstein, D. Mangum, C. Sinclair Wolcott, … W. Widder (Eds.), The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.