We’re getting into the heavy stuff. We’ve all heard the story, read the children’s version, and probably focused on which parts to shield our children from. Luckily the Jesus Storybook Bible has a solid theological approach to helping us teach our kids without scaring them for life.
Read: Luke 23:18-25
- Depending on your translation there is no Luke 23:17. If it’s there it reads, “Now he was obliged to release one man to them at the festival.”
- The leaders continue to try to not cause an uproar during the festivals because of the number of people there.
- The crowd condemned Jesus, even as Pilate was trying to ask what he did wrong as he found him not guilty.
- The crowd cried out together. Pilate gave them what they wished. This could have gotten chaotic really quick.
- The murderer was released and Jesus was set to be crucified.
- “over to their will” — God’s will would be accomplished
Discuss with Kids :
*Some questions will be repeated so we can learn and build off of each topic.
- Jesus Storybook Bible // The Sun Stops Shining. Page 302
- Why is it more important to do what is right than what a group wants?
- What is insurrection? A violent uprising against an authority or government.
- What would have happened if Pilate was brave enough to share what he really believed? (Jesus’ being innocent)