Day three brings us to the Last Supper. We’ve all seen the painting and that’s probably how we each have it stored in our minds, even though that probably doesn’t depict the scene correctly. If we think of a normal dinner among friends, no one is all on one side of the table. Jesus was reclining and I’d like to think he was just chilling with his friends before he had to do his best work. The painting also depicts all white dudes in semi-fancy clothing.

Read: Luke 22:14-23
- Jesus reclined
- Earnestly // with sincere and intense conviction
- Jesus talks about this being the last Passover dinner for him until the fulfillment of the kingdom of God. (See Revelation 19:9)
- Remembrance // an action of remembering something or someone
- New covenant // See Jeremiah 31:33-34
- Blood of Jesus made the new covenant happen.
- Jesus knew that his betrayer was at the table with them. And his disciples start questioning each other about who it was.
Discuss with Kids :
*Some questions will be repeated so we can learn and build off of each topic.
- Jesus Storybook Bible // The Servant King. Page 286
- Activity // Sit on the floor for snack time. Chat about what this setting would have been like for Jesus and his disciples.
- What meal were they sharing?
- What does covenant mean? An agreement between 2 or more people
- Could you share a meal with someone when you knew they were about to betray you?