Passover comes and there is no coincidence that a lamb was to be slain. Just as the Lamb of God was about to shed blood to save us all.
But before we dive in too much further I want to chat about the context of the Book of Luke. Technically the author is anonymous, but through context clues and other evidence, it’s thought to be Luke. He’s the detail-oriented apostle who was a physician and a Gentile. Also thought to be the author of Acts. Evidence leads to thinking the writing was somewhere around 60-61 AD.

Read: Luke 22:7-13
- Jesus tells 2 disciples of the plan. Could this be because he wanted it to be a secret so Judas wouldn’t have time to betray him before they ate together?
- A sign // A man carrying a jar would be unusual as women normally did this activity.
- Jesus prepared the way. He is in control and takes care of all the details.
Discuss with Kids :
*Some questions will be repeated so we can learn and build off of each topic.
- Jesus Storybook Bible // The Servant King. Page 286
- What is unleavened bread? This is bread without yeast. It doesn’t rise. Try making some with your family.
- What is Passover? See Exodus 12
- What does sacrifice mean? A sacrifice is an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure.
- What sign have you recently seen to show you how God is in control of everything? This is a good spot to encourage children to see God all around us. Creation is a great sign!