The Parables // Divided Kingdom
Today’s parable is squished into a larger story so I’d actually encourage you to read the whole section Matthew 12:22-32. Jesus heals a man that’s not only blind and mute, but also demon-oppressed. The Pharisees are trying to speak out against Jesus so they claim he’s from Beelzebul. This name is translated as lord of the flies and flies were usually found on manure.
Beelzebul takes us back to Prince Baal that people were worshiping back in 2 King 1. The Pharisees are just trying to discredit Jesus in anyway possible.
Read: Matthew 12:24-30
- The people ask if Jesus is the Son of David. From their knowledge of history and God, they began to wonder and connect the dots.
- Jesus counters the Pharisees claims by telling them that they make no sense.
- If Jesus would be for the devil, why would he heal someone that was demon-oppressed? Wouldn’t that be working against themselves?
- The Pharisees had participated in exorcisms before, so why should they claim that this healing would be of the devil? Jesus points out their hypocrisy.
- If Jesus is casting out demons in the name of God, he tells them that this means the Kingdom of God has come to them and they are upon it.
- Jesus talks about being together versus being divisive. The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of the hell are divided. They are enemies.
- How can the kingdom stand? If we’re not divisive!
Discuss with Kids :
- If we are a team, should we work together or against each other?
- How can we be on Jesus’ team?
- If someone starts to say lies about you, what’s the best way to correct them or fight back? Do we talk about them? Do we point out their faults? Do we share truth?
- Has anyone ever said something false about you? How did it make you feel? What did you do? What do you think the truth is about this situation? What does God say about you?