The Parables // Mustard Seed
Don’t start listening to some people who argue about seed sizes. That’s truly not the point of this parable. Focus on the whole picture. Again Jesus is using agricultural terminology so that the people would have the ability to grasp what he’s talking about. It’s a simple analogy but an affective one.
Read: Matthew 13:31-32
- Smallest seed to the largest tree
- Small seeds planted in our hearts can lead to a flourishing home in heaven.
Discuss with Kids :
- What is the smallest thing you’ve ever seen?
- What is the largest tree you’ve ever seen?
- Find a seed that you can see the harvest of. Compare the sizes. Pinecone/pine tree. Acorn/Oak Tree. Show your children images of a mustard seed and a mustard tree.
- How many birds could live in the biggest tree ever?
- If heaven is like a large tree, how much space is there for us?