The Parables // The Leaven
Who doesn’t love some fresh bread? Jesus is the bread of life, right? Ya know, not the kale of life. Anyway, this one little verse packs a punch of a parable. A lot of the time the leaven is referred to as an influence that would be negative. Jesus is changing the analogy though.

Read: Matthew 13:33
- Leaven is yeast
- Sometimes leaven is referring to corruption but not in this case.
- The parable is using an example of something small increase the size of something
- So the leaven increases the bread size as it rises.
- Just like the kingdom of heaven increases with Jesus.
Discuss with Kids :
- What is leaven? Something, usually yeast, that is used to make dough rise.
- What would bread be like without yeast?
- Because of Jesus, how big and great is heaven?