The Parables // The Sower
The amount of times that Jesus uses gardening and agriculture for teaching purposes does make me nerd out a little. But the truth is that this is what the people he was teaching would understand. He spoke their language. Farmers, fisherman, and a culture that wasn’t using a grocery store. They could relate to his stories because Jesus spoke to them like this.

Read: Matthew 13:1-9
- The crowd got so large, Jesus backed away and got into a boat
- Seeds represent the Word of God
- Fallen Seeds along the path didn’t even sprout because birds got to them before they could even try
- Seeds in rocky soil sprouted by died off because there wasn’t enough space for good roots
- Seeds in good soil were prosperous
- See Matthew 13:18-23 where Jesus then explains the parable himself
Discuss with Kids :
- Have a little seed experiment. Sow seeds in 3 spots. Drop some and see if birds eat them. Sow some in some rocks and see what happens. Sow some in good soil and watch them flourish.
- Find types of plants growing on rocks. Are they weeds or beautiful plants?
- What can we do to make sure that our hearts and minds remain like the good soil?