Magdalene means that she came from the town of Magdala
No mention of her family
There’s a myth about being a prostitute but no biblical evidence for this
Jesus healed her from 7 demons
Luke 8:2
Some say devils instead of demons, but we should remember there is only one devil and that’s plenty.
The “demons” are described in depth but in the time period a variety of things might have been considered demons (seizures, epilepsy)
Mentioned 14 times in the gospels
John 19:25
The only time her name comes after other women
Became a disciple
Helped finance Jesus’ ministry
Stood with Mary, his mother, at the crucifixion
John 19:25
After the Resurrection, Jesus appears to her first
John 20:11-18
He could have appeared to ANYONE after his resurrection, but Mary Magdalene was chosen. This speaks volumes about her, her faith, her love for Jesus Christ, and how important she was to him.