Freedom // Spirit of the Lord
We are free first and foremost because Jesus took our punishment. He took the burden to save us from hell, freeing us from the grasp of sin and death. And it’s easy to consider ourselves free from spending eternity in hell, but why aren’t we living in this freedom in the present?

Read: 2 Corinthians 3:17
- Some translations use the word liberty instead of freedom.
- Greek // Spirit: πνεῦμα, pneuma // literally means wind or breath
- Paul wrote 2 Corinthians in 55-56 AD.
- In this passage, he’s describing how we don’t need to be a slave to being ashamed and we should be bold in our faith because we have hope. There’s freedom in the hope we have in Christ.
Discuss with Kids :
- What is liberty?
- What is freedom?
- Are we free to do whatever we want? No, there are still rules, laws, and consequences both in our home and our world.