Fruit of the Spirit // Patience
In the circles of motherhood I’m in, patience is a common thing for prayer. Moms need the ability and capacity to handle motherhood. But don’t we all need this ability, motherhood or not? What a world we could live in if we all had more patience. Driving through traffic would be more pleasant.

Read: Galatians 5:22-23
Context: See Intro
- Webster // the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset
- Longsuffering // having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people.
- Greek // μακροθυμία, makrothumia
- The original word used it makrothumia and it translates to longsuffering, but many translations use the word patience in this verse of Galatians.
Discuss with Kids :
- When is it hardest to show patience?
- Who is it hardest to show patience to?
- Does anyone lose their patience with you?
- How can we be more patient with each other?