Surviving Religion 101 // Book Review : Lacey Reads
*I received this book from Crossway in exchange for a review.
Michael J. Kruger has come up with a great approach for this conversation. Each topic/chapter is addressed as a letter to his daughter who is in college. This book would be a great gift for parents of high school and college kids along with the kids too.
His approach is kind and caring. He gives ideas for addressing questions that we don’t always know the answers to. Each chapter would be a great foundation for parents to have conversations about before sending their children off into the world.
Questions like, are my professors right because they are smart, how can we say that Christianity is the right religion, wouldn’t God save everyone since he is love, and more about science, miracles, and evil. These topics are the ones that I currently see my peers struggling with. We’re in our 30s and I’ve suggested this book to them to help with the struggles they are having.
I would recommend this book to anyone having questions about their faith and comprehending Christianity better.