Theology is For Women Too
When you think theologian, does your mind immediately think of a scholarly-looking older man in a library of sorts? For years that was my thinking. I didn’t consider myself a theologian. It wasn’t until I looked up the definition of theology and realized what a theologian actually was. Theology is the study of the nature of God and that means anyone who is studying the nature of God, by definition, is a theologian.

My hope isn’t that you come to consider yourself a theologian because people say the Bible is for women too. My hope is that you consider yourself a theologian because you are studying the Bible. The Bible tells us who God is. We cannot love someone that we don’t know. So without knowing who God is, how can we claim to love him?
Marketing for women is predictable. For some reason, companies think that if you change a product pink then it’s supposed to be appealing and enticing to women. There are tons of women complaining about razors and this “pink tax” but women as a whole don’t seem to be complaining about all the feelings teaching of scripture when it comes to the bible.
Woman can handle and should hear full exegetical teachings of the Word of God.
Dear women of God,
You are capable of reading, learning, and comprehending the full scoop of the Bible. Why? Because the Holy Spirit gives knowledge and understanding. It’s not our job to know everything, God doesn’t give us that burden. God is the only one who is omniscient. What a gift that He would gift us knowledge to know more about him.
Your bible study doesn’t need to just be about women, topical, nor identity. You should enjoy learning about the full story from Genesis to Revelation and how Christ is in it all. The bible isn’t a book for you to search for yourself. It’s a book of redemption and how God saves the world. It’s a book to learn about God. You cannot learn who you are until you learn whose you are. He is the only One that can define you. Because He’s the one who created you.
You can’t know who you are until you know whose you are.
So don’t let the world define you. We are called to live in the world but not to conform to the world because this isn’t our final destination.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” -Romans 12:2
When we allow the world to define us, we give the enemy power. When we allow the enemy to tell us that we’re not capable of reading scripture, we give the enemy power. But we’re not of the enemy. Christ has defeated the enemy. He defeated sin and death on the cross. Don’t allow the world to give you any doubts about what God has said. That’s the same motive the enemy used in Genesis 3… is that really what God said?
“We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” -1 John 5:19
What God said is that we’re told to make disciples. And there’s no way to make disciples without using the full word of scripture. So ladies, read it, learn it, love it, live it!