[Lacey Reads] : Reading List Lately
I have books all over our home. A bookshelf full in my office, some on the coffee table, some next to the bathtub, some on the side of the bed….Like I said, they’re everywhere. I love the way an actual book feels in my hand and how sometimes I can write in them if I need, but I also love my ipad. What I really need to start loving is a library card. That way I’m not spending money on books to collect dust on the bookshelf.
Those are what’s on the current reading list. I’m reading The Total Money Makeover and Love is the Killer App right now. Yes 2 books at once. It just depends on what mood I’m in. For Christmas Mom got me a pair of Toms and Start Something That Matters came with the shoes. I’m pretty excited to read that. The Explicit Gospel I’ve heard is really great and I’m excited to start that in the next week.
I’ve always loved reading and lately I’m making more time to read. Morning time with my Bible and afternoon time with a good book. Learning and bettering my life and my business. That’s doing what matters. Plus…..with the weather being sunny I love sitting outside with a glass of sweet tea or lemonade reading while my pups are running around playing.